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Hi, I’m Pallavi and this is my E-portfolio! I am currently in 5th grade and am in the Adventure STEM program at Herman Intermediate. You can learn about everything I did in the school year 2013-2014! I hope to become a marine biologist, and study dolphins.


Being an Adventure student means a lot to me. In Science, my class and I have learned through lots of experiments, games on computers, and videos. This makes learning fun. In Math, we have done lots of projects, which help us learn in an interactive way. In History, we once did a play about the Revolutionary War, in which we had to learn about the war, what caused it, and how Americans won. We also had to learn to work together, which will be helpful when I am an adult. In Language Arts, we are currently learning about our water supply, and since we are in a drought, we need to conserve water. I also have a class called Globaloria, or Video Game Design. I have learned to make a Hidden Objects game, a game where you have to find hidden objects. I really like this class because I can learn all about programming and designing games.


When in Science, we do hands-on experiments that relate to a specific topic. It sometimes feels like we are in a real laboratory. We also do blogs in science class. These blogs are helpful because they teach me to summarize what I read, and the help my writing skills. They also help me learn things, like when I look for something to write about, I can find really cool articles and facts about things I never knew before. Like I never knew that a grizzly bear’s fur is not brown, but with white, gray, and brown.  I had always thought that grizzly bears had total brown fur! In all, I really think that Science is a fun class. Math is also a fun subject for me. We do really fun math-related mini projects, and my projects are very creative and allow me to use my imagination.  It also relates to real-life things, like planning a party or donating to a worthy cause. One of the most interesting projects I have done so far was my Design A Playground project. We had to design playground that had to have three angles (acute, obtuse, right), three triangles (equilateral, scalene, isosceles), have three quadrilaterals, and three solid figures. So, it not only taught me geometry, it taught me in a playful and fun way.


While learning about history, there was a section on the American Revoulution. To learn the subject matter, we played games, watched videos on, and performed a play in front of parents. The whole performance was in three parts. The first play was title "Boston is Free". The second play was called "Paula Revere". I was in the first play, and I played a general, and a soldier. The play was set in the the time when the British were controlling Boston, and the fight to get it back. I not only had to play a part, I had to make my props, get my costume, and paint some of the scenery. I think this activity was very helpful,for I had to work in a group and work with my classmates, whom I do not know that well. I learnt to be patient and thoughtful of others. Our Language Arts and History classes go hand-in-hand with each other. Our writing assignments mostly about something that we learnt in my History class.


For Globaloria, well, my feelings for it can’t be explained, it can only be felt. But I can say, that at times, it does get hard, but it is a really interesting class. you can visit the Globaloria webpage in my Elective section. Globaloria is fun because I am learning all sorts of programming language I never knew before. It is also cool because I have always wanted to make a video game and make my own graphics. Globaloria is really challenging though, because I have to write the code, and have to memorize it. All in all, Globaloria is a class that I would not trade for a different class.


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