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Safest Place in America Presentation


For this project, me and my group had to find the Safest Place in America. We had to see what location was shielded from different natural disasters. My group found that West Virgina was the best place to live, based on what disasters we had to research. We then had to create a presentation that explained why that was the safest place in America. To prove our point, we had to explain why three natural disasters can not occur there. Within our group, we had our disagreements, but no matter what, everyone carried there own weight.



I found this project helpful because I like to make videos, so I worked hard, using the video as a reward for my work. This project is my favored science project, since we had a long leash. What I mean is that my Science teacher told us that we had the resources, and that we could figure it out ourself. We had to use the websites, look for the pieces of information, and use it to create a strong point. We had to create a counterargument, too, though. My group decided to create a video for the counterargument. Our prompt was: the New York Times said that the safest place in the U.S.A was Corvalis, Oregon. We had to provide strong evidence explaining why Buckhannon, West Virgina was actually the safest place in America. The project, overall, was very fun, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.


To see the counterargument, watch the video below.

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