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At Adventure, we have the privilege to take part in Globaloria. It is a a nationwide program that involves many schools in game design. We are taught through our teacher as well how to code and create . We create 2 kinds of games - Hidden Objects Games, and Action Games. This year, I made both types of games. I am really proud of them. I worked very hard to complete both games. They are coded and drawn beautifully.


It is really difficult to draw, code, and plan a game. Each year, I gain more respect for the people who do this for a living. It takes an incredible amount of skill to be able to do this everyday. Each year, my skills become more and more refined. This year, I made two truly wonderful games. I struggled with the code for a long time. I would change something, then try it to see if it worked. If it didn't, I changed something else. I persevered, and created a working game that was good. 

Action Game - Globaloria/Game Design

Game Design

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