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Hi, I’m Pallavi and this is my E-portfolio! I am currently in 6th grade and am in the Adventure STEM program at Herman Intermediate. You can learn about everything I did in the school year 2014-2015! I hope to go to CALTech, learn atronomy, and become an astromer. I also hope you enjoy this E-portfolio.

Link to My Blog: 


Being an Adventure student means a lot to me. In Science, my class and I have had many projects, that enhance our learning. To me, my Science teacher's philosyophy is that we should learn through our mistakes, not through her spoon-feeding us the answers. This makes Science challenging, which I enjoy. In Math, we have siple projects that make us think deeply. Our teacher does not let us pile the work on someone else. This is good, because if we could pile the wok on one person, half of the class would be overworked, and the other half lazy and uneducated in the subject of math. In ELA, we had to create book about a hero's journey. We used the site Bokkemon. I feel that for my teacher, it is essential that we work together. When we grow up, we are going to have to work with others to change the world. So, our teacher starts now. In Engineering, we learned how to design and code a video game. I thinks that she believes that the best way to teach is to have the kids figure out how to fix their problems, so they remember not to make the same mistakes in the future. This also means that we learn to ask for help. A lot of children are proud, and want to do everything by themselves, but they learn that they sometimes have to ask for help, if they want to succeed. I admit I am one of those people. I have learned, first-hand, that you cannot succeed in life on your own. You have to ask for help sometimes. But, by far, my favorite class has been History. This year, we did a lot of projects, which were fun. Like my ELA teacher, I believe my History teacher's philosyphy is to have the students work together. She also strongly believes in the honor system. 



When in Science, we do hands-on experiments that relate to a specific topic. It sometimes feels like we are in a real laboratory. We also do blogs in science class. These blogs are helpful because they teach me to summarize what I learn, and the help my writing skills. They also help me reflect on the week's work, like when I look for something to write about, I think really hard about the week's events in Science. This gets my brain running, and once I start writing, I can't stop 'til I'm done. This is because if I stop, I have to start the thinking process over again. I have to do 4 sections: Backwards-Looking, Inwards-Looking, Outwards-Looking, and Forwards-Looking. These help me reflect, and when I reflect, I actually re-learn things. For this, I thank my Science teacher, Ms. Garcia.  


Math is also a fun subject for me. We do pretty fun math-related mini projects, and my projects are usually very creative and allow me to use my own take of the topic.  It also relates to real-life things, like planning a party or donating to a worthy cause. One of the most interesting projects I have done so far was my Charity Fair. We basically had to choose some item to sell at our upcoming Student Exhibition Night. The student had to calculate the total price of the item, the price we would sell it for, and how much profit we would make. I chose to make a food. So, it not only taught me how to calculate the total price of things, it taught me in a fun (and tasty) way.


While learning about history, there was a section on the Greek Myths. To learn the subject matter, we read the book, "Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief" , did worksheets, and created our own book! (The link to the book is on my ELA page of my 6th grade section.) My book was titled "Two Kids, One Quest." Everyone enjoyed this project. I learnt to be patient and thoughtful of others' ideas, and to not make too many suggestions.


In Game Design, the classes are hard. But I can say, that at times, it is a really interesting class. To find out about some of the games we make, you can visit the Globaloria webpage in my Elective section. Game Design is fun because I am getting better at all sorts of programming language I barely knew before. It is really hard when you have a problem, and can't solve it. You can ask for help, but most prefer to try to figure it out themselves. Game Design is really challenging though, because I have to write the code, and have to memorize it. All in all, Game Design is a class that I would not trade for a different class.



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